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Roman Gaul

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Roman Gaul
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For Gaul before the Roman conquest, see Gaul.

Roman Gaul consisted of an area of provincial rule in the Roman Empire, in modern day France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and western Germany. Roman control of the area lasted for 600 years. The Roman Empire began its takeover of what was Celtic Gaul in 121 BC, when it conquered and annexed the southern reaches of the area. Julius Caesar completed the task by defeating the Celtic tribes in the Gallic Wars of 58-51 BC. Following the Frankish defeat of the Romans at the Battle of Soissons in AD 486, Gaul came under the rule of the Merovingians, the first kings of France.

* 1 Geographical divisions
* 2 Language and culture
* 3 After the fall of Rome
* 4 References and Notes
* 5 See also

[edit] Geographical divisions

* Gallia Cisalpina or "Gaul this side of the Alps", covered most of present-day northern Italy.

* Gallia Narbonensis, formerly Gallia Transalpina or "Gaul across the Alps" was originally conquered and annexed in 121 BC in an attempt to solidify communications between Rome and the Iberian peninsula. It comprised the present-day region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, most of Languedoc-Roussillon, and roughly the southeastern half of Rhône-Alpes.

* Gallia Comata or "long haired Gaul". Comata encompassed the remainder of present-day France, Belgium, and westernmost Germany, which the Romans gained through the victory over the Celts in the Gallic Wars. The Romans divided Gallia Comata into three provinces:
o Gallia Aquitania
o Gallia Belgica
o Gallia Lugdunensis

The Romans gave these divisions the term pagi (from which comes the French word pays, "region"); these pagi were organized into civitates (provinces). These administrative groupings would be taken over by the Romans in their system of local control, and these civitates would also be the basis of France's eventual division into ecclesiastical bishoprics and dioceses, which would remain in place -- with slight changes -- until the French revolution.

Gaul in the Roman Empire

Map of Gaul circa 58 BC

[edit] Language and culture
The Vachères warrior, a statue of a Gaulish warrior wearing Roman armour (ca. 1st century BC).
The Vachères warrior, a statue of a Gaulish warrior wearing Roman armour (ca. 1st century BC).

The Gaulish language and cultural identity would, in the five centuries between Caesar's conquest and the collapse of the Western Roman Empire, undergo a syncretism, and evolve into a hybrid Gallo-Roman culture. Current historical research believes that Roman Gaul was "Roman" only in certain (albeit major) social contexts (the importance of which hindered a better historical understanding of the permanence of many Celtic elements). The Roman influence was most apparent in the following areas:

* The Druidic religion which existed in the area was ordered suppressed by Emperor Claudius I, and in later centuries Christianity was introduced. The prohibition of druids and the syncretic nature of the Roman religion lead to disappearance of the Celtic religion (which remains to this day poorly understood: current knowledge of the Celtic religion is based on archeology and via literary sources from several isolated areas such as Ireland and Wales).
* The Romans easily imposed their administrative, economic, artistic (especially in terms of monumental art and architecture) and literary culture, all the more so given that there was little in the pre-existing Celtic culture to compete with these areas.

After the Roman conquest of Gaul (finished in 51 BC), "romanisation" of the Celtic upper classes proceeded rapidly. Little is however known about "romanisation" of the lower classes, and it is speculated (based on some examples) that, in many social areas (especially in mundane and day-to-day contexts), this "romanisation" remained limited. For example, the reuse of the site of the Celtic sanctuary of Gournay-sur-Aronde (Belgium), the ex-votos found in the Seine river region, and other archaeological finds show that many sacred Celtic sites continued to be used after romanisation.

Surviving Celtic influences also infiltrated back into the Roman Imperial culture in the 3rd century. For example, the Gaulish tunic – which gave Emperor Caracalla his surname – had not been replaced by Roman vestimentary fashion. Similarly, certain Gaulish artisan techniques, such as the barrel (more durable than the Roman amphora) and chain mail were adopted by the Romans.

The Celtic heritage also continued in the spoken language (see History of French). In the 5th century, a Gaulish spelling and pronunciation of Latin are apparent in several poets and transcribers of popular farces [1] The last pockets of Gaulish speakers appear to have lingered until the 6th century.

Germanic placenames were first attested in limitrophe areas settled by Germanic colonisers (with Roman approval) from the 4th to 5th centuries as the Franks settled northern France and Belgium, the Alemanni in Alsace and Switzerland and the Burgundians in Savoie.

[edit] After the fall of Rome

The Roman administration finally collapsed as remaining troops were withdrawn southeast to protect Italy. Between 455 and 475, the Visigoths, the Burgundians, and the Franks assumed power in Gaul. Certain aspects of the ancient Celtic culture continued however after the fall of Roman administration.

Certain Gallo-Roman aristocratic families continued to exert power in episcopal cities (as the Mauronitus family in Marseille, or the Bishop Gregory of Tours). The appearance of Germanic given and family names becomes noticeable in France from the middle of the 7th century on, most notably in powerful families, indicating thus that the center of gravity had definitely shifted.

In the north, the Gallo-Roman, or Vulgar Latin, dialect of the late Roman period evolved, with Germanic linguistic influences, into the dialects of the Oïl languages and Old French.

The words "gaul" and "gaulois" continued to be used, at least in writing, until the end of the Merovingian period. Slowly, during the Carolingian period, the expression "Francie"' (first Francia, then Francia occidentalis) spread to describe the political reality of the Frankish kingdom (regnum francorum).

[edit] References and Notes

* Portions of this article are based on a translation of the the article Gaule from the French Wikipedia on February 2007.


1. ^ Histoire de France, ed. Les Belles lettres, Paris.

[edit] See also
Wikimedia Commons has media related to:
Roman Gaul

* Gallo-Roman culture
* Asterix — French comic set in the 40s BC.

Roman Imperial Provinces (120 AD)
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